Basingstoke Moose Centre
Contact Basingstoke Blues Club

Contact:    Ted Blackmore-Squires

Post Address:
Moose Centre, Churchill Way, Basingstoke, RG21 7QU. The home of Moose International in Basingstoke. (almost opposite the Anvil Theatre).

If you have any other enquiries or to purchase tickets or call on 01256 324313.

Do you do the blues with a band? E-mail us at

Having difficulty finding us? - try using THIS MAP. The Moose centre is actually nearer to Timberlake road end of the A3010 where Churchill way is shown to fork then return back.

For satnav / map search THE MOOSE CENTRE postcode is RG21 7QU

From M3 go for town centre, straight over 1st roundabout (Eastdrop) pass under main buildings on dual carriageway (Churchill way) pass church street on left, SLOW DOWN, sharp left into lay-by opposite the Anvil theatre.

Moose centre is on the left at the end of the lay-by, do not pass Victory roundabout otherwise youll have to go back again to Eastdrop roundabout.